
Platform for evolving services
Platform for evolving services

cgios is an operating system designed to embrace the changes in the specification of business applications.

Machine's concernMachine's concern

"Pitch of a screw", "Voltage of outlets" and "TCP/IP Protocol" are almost invariance when are decided once.
This is because, machine do not elaborate anything.
In such a world of "Machine's concern", it is highly effective to standardize and reuse.

Focus of ordinary software engineering
Focus of ordinary software engineering
Human's concernHuman's concern

On the other hand, "one's favorite", "one's daily habit" and "commercial custom" are steadily changing day by day in our world. Our species love artifice.
In the "Human's concern" world, the engineering scheme of standardizatoin and reuse, applied to the "Machine's concern" world is no longer usable.

Focus of cgios
Focus of cgios

¢£ Ordinary operation system
The ordinary operating systems put emphasis on "Machine's concern", and business system developpers struggled to shape "Human's concern" on that infrastructure. This is because they hold "specification changes" in extreme detestation.

¢£ cgios
cgios is an operating system designed to embrace changes in "Human's concern".

Enable flexible modification through extracting "Machine's concern"
Enable flexible modification through extracting "Machine's concern"

¢£ Ordinary system development
The system developped by the ordinary scheme has a mixture of "Human's concern" and "Machine's concern". This prevent the developper from modifying the system felxibly.

¢£ Developping with cgios
cgios separates "Machine's concern" and "Human's concern" and extracts pure "Machine's concern".
Because cgios is designed on the basis that in any situations the specification changes must occur, the system developped on cgios is highly flexible both in development phase and operational phase.

Ordinary system vs System developed in cgios way

cgios Kernel technology
cgios Kernel technology

Consistent Context Architecture*
Consistent Context Architecture*

¢£ Ordinary web application
Ordinary web application cannot preclude so-called double-action in websites on the middleware layer, because all clients can access almost all URL at any time.

Ordinary web application

¢£ cgios
cgios handles this issue on the middleware layer. cgios allows users to submit actions which cgios identified in advance. Thus the dangerous actions which the developper doesn't assume are precluded automatically.


Form Ledger Architecture*
Form Ledger Architecture*

¢£ Ordinary web application
In the ordinary web application framework based on MVC model, the program that generates an output (View) has no direct relathinship with the program that receives an input (Controller). Thus the developper must take great care of receiving only intended input, on the application layer.

¢£ cgios
cgios natively has the Form Ledger feature which registers what kind of form elements were issued, into the ledger data. And when the controller receives a POST input data, cgios verifies each of the input data if it has an entry on the Form Ledger.

Form Ledger architecture

* Japanese Patent No.4146434, U.S. Patent No.7472165

Technologies for stable operation
Technologies for stable operation

¢£ LiveLogging®
In the ordinary web application framework the logs are mostly characted based one and it is difficult to interpret the actual behavior of the users. cgios, by its own policy that you should record whatever you can record, records the behavior of the users visually. They are useful in considering specification changes to improve usability of the system.

¢£ Organic Cluster
cgios natively has an infrastracture named the organic cluster, which emulates ES-cell structure. This feature enables cgios Application Service to operate 24x7 non stopping service with lower operational cost.